
Aries 2021 🐏 love and fashion 🚀

A cartoon ram says to a stick figure girl: Did you know that people born under Aries are going to be easier to love this year and should take their fashion inspo from Stella McCartney?

The girl replies to the ram enthusiastically: Did you know that researchers at the Palomar Observatory discovered a planet in the Aries constellation that has four suns orbiting it? It’s really big - about 10 times the mass of Jupiter. This four-star system is called ‘30 ARI’ and it’s 136 light-years away. If you could look up at the daytime sky from this planet, you’d see a sun as well as two bright stars.

The girl adds with a smile: fyi, telling me stuff about your horoscope doesn’t make you easier to love. The ram hangs its head and looks a bit ashamed.

1. Boland Y. Stars Special: Your 2021 Horoscopes Are Here! Marie Claire. Available at: (Accessed: Apr 2021).
2. Roberts LC et al. Know the Star, Know the Planet. III. Discovery of Late-Type Companions to Two Exoplanet Host Stars. AJ 2015;149(4):118.
3. Clavin W. Astronomers Identify a Quadruple Star System, 30 Ari. SciTechDaily. Available at: (Last updated: Mar 2015, accessed: Apr 2021).
4. Zimmerman KA. Aries Constellation: Facts About the Ram. Available at: (Last updated: Mar 2019, accessed: Apr 2021).